Engineering Services


Independent inspection services for pipelines and facilities confirming assets are safe, reliable, and compliant to existing regulations and client standards.


Pipeline design services include routing, land survey coordination, trenchless technology selection and design, valve replacement and automation, hydraulic modeling, and regulatory compliance analysis. Facility design services include compressor engineering and commissioning, process control and instrumentation, basic SCADA, regulator and meter station sizing and design, relief valve sizing, and electrical design.


Full range of in-house pipeline integrity management and assessment services, including project management for extensive pipeline Direct Assessment (DA), in-line inspections (ILI) analysis and upgrades, and strength test planning and calculation.


On-site and remote support for geospatial system development and operations, including data development and modeling, GIS analysis and mapping services, and translating existing pipeline feature data to robust geospatial data.


Project management for projects of all sizes and duration, including scoping of goals and deliverables, developing schedules and budgets, and managing quality, risk, and stakeholder relations. As career project managers, the NBS team provides a tailored approach by incorporating best practices with client protocols, constraints, and culture.


Custom training solutions, including identifying skills gaps for clients, developing curriculums, and delivering the training. Ongoing monitoring and mentoring ensure client’s employees continue to use industry best practices.


NBS brings the following specific capabilities to MAOP analysis and validation:

Pipeline Feature List (PFL) And and Station Feature List (SFL) Modeling and Quality Control

By reviewing and analyzing historical pipeline purchase, job construction, and testing documentation, NBS assists with creating and managing an Asset Knowledge base, specializing in the review, analysis, and application of Strength Test Pressure Reports to ensure that pipelines comply with and are MAOP validated per current and historic federal regulations. Our overall analysis is summarized in spreadsheet form on a feature-by-feature basis.

The resulting PFL and SFL models undergo stringent internal Quality Control processes to ensure that our work product meets or exceeds the standards set by clients. NBS also performs independent Quality Control analysis on models and MAOP reports created by others to ensure compliance with the guidelines established and standards set by clients.

Field Inspection & Verification

When document research and engineering assessments do not validate MAOP, NBS manages field digs and above-grade site visits to make a final determination of pipeline feature specifications and pressure ratings. NBS oversees all facets of the pipeline validation excavations (i.e., scope, schedule, cost analysis) and communicating/approving any scope changes. All requirements, such as gas control notifications, community updates, legal, etc., are met before excavations proceed, including securing the necessary permits in partnership with client Land & Environmental Management Teams, and communication of proposed work to the appropriate division or district maintenance organizations and regulatory bodies.

Document Typing, Research, Rating, And and Application

NBS researches, categorizes, and rates documents typical in the gas pipeline industry, and offers full-cycle document processing, from hard-copy sorting and scanning to referencing for a specific pipeline feature. NBS modernizes client records such as As-Builts, mill reports, transport tags, and x-ray maps to be traceable, verifiable, and complete.

Maintenance & Corrections

NBS assists in establishing continuous improvement processes and ongoing procedures that comply with changing regulations to maintain and correct established records, reports, and Pipeline Features lists.

Engineering Assessment and Issue Resolution

When historical documentation is missing and/or conflicting, NBS works closely with clients to analyze and assess pipeline and station systems to ascertain the most likely field scenarios based in part on the construction convention of each client and of each era.

When pipeline feature data is inconclusive, pressure test applicability cannot be determined, or MAOP cannot be validated, NBS specializes in Issue Resolution and works with clients for final approval.